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"How wonderful to be in Philadelphia's Chestnut Hill Library, where Christina Kobland presented, through a lively narrative and a stunning slideshow, the principles and beauty of Native Return. Do people know that most of the species brought to extinction over the last 500 years lived right here in the United States? And that urban and suburban land owners can actually have an impact to shift the tide? Thanks to Christina Kobland, the people of greater Philadelphia know it, and we're grateful that Native Return restores a love for the natural biocommunity, and all it's precious life, to our minds and our landscapes."

Lee Hall, JD
Vice President for Legal Affairs, Friends of Animals

"Christina is a passionate lecturer/speaker when it comes to the importance of balanced ecosystems. One key element as she explains is biodiversity and the benefits of native or indigenous plants to address diminishing wildlife habitat."

"Christina presents a very down to earth argument not using anecdotal but historical accounts and case studies of her achievements to illustrate stormwater management and cost saving benefits of the Native Return approach."

Calvin M. Davenger, Jr.
Deputy Director of Aviation
Planning & Environmental Stewardship
Division of Aviation
Philadelphia International Airport
Terminal E
Philadelphia, PA 19153
©2007-2011 Native Return, LLC. All rights reserved / Native Return is a registered trademark of Native Return, LLC